Make money online depends only the traffic on the web. The
more traffic you can enrich the more you earn online. Besides more traffic
depends only the web quality and contents popularity. Generally higher page
rank website has more popularity than others. So if you want to earn more money
from online than you need a good traffic web or higher page rank websites? The
ranking page rank range is (1-10).10 is the top rank website on internet and 1
is the lowest page rank online. There are a few tips to make consideration to
make money online by doing nice web design and self generated content.
That is why I will show telling you something for much
visitor for your blog.
- Choose a relevant domain name: The choosing of domains name is very significant to more traffic for your web. The domain name should be relevant to product name or related to your business of your websites. Domains name is one of the important factors to getting higher page rank.
- Size and Content of your website: The size of the site has a great influence to achieve higher page rank. If your site content has more information then you will reach more visitors as you expect because search engine like more content relevant to your site.
- Graphics based web design: If your website has esthetically then you can get high traffic because people naturally love good designs which inspire to get direct visitors.Many people think Esthetically pleasing involvement website which may be the best option for someone who is searching web relevant product but sad news it is really difficult to optimize for such websites because search engine can not read the data which are animation or graphics related. That is why I would prefer you to choose HTML based as well submit xml site map and it is available for all users. These types of sites are easier to optimize for the search engines.
Last of all
we can say self generated content will increase your visitor not of others.